
“Compelling, controversial, enlightening…Unlikely Friends open hearts, opens minds to what most of us believe impossible – to forgive the unforgivable – and skillfully makes the case that there is room for the bold choice of forgiveness in our criminal justice system.”

Sister Helen Prejean
Author, Deadman Walking



“Beautifully told, Unlikely Friends reveals angels among us. A timely film for a troubled world, these stories show forgiveness as the ultimate faith in action. Seeing this film you can’t help but ask yourself, “Who have I not forgiven, and why?”

Marianne Williamson
Spiritual Activist and International Best Selling Author



“Moving, inspiring, revolutionary. Unlikely Friends shows we are capable of human miracles. The tough, patient compassion and inspiration of Restorative Justice can teach the world to hear the pain of one another, and help us end conflict everywhere.”

Jack Kornfield
Author, A Path With Heart



“Unlikely Friends introduces us to individuals who have actualized the ultimate compassion of the heart, for none stand taller than those who forgive the seemingly unforgivable. May the gift Leslie Neale offers us in this documentary cause every viewer to open, soften, and become an artisan of compassion.”

Rev. Michael Beckwith
Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center



“It is a tour de force. It shows how restorative justice empowers victims to change their stories from anger, pain, hatred and revenge to renewal, restoration and, sometimes, forgiveness. You have documented the power of restorative justice and shown how facing the pain they caused helps offenders more than prison bars ever can.”

Rep. Pete Lee
Colorado State Representative



“A powerful film that fortunately does not conflate forgiveness and restorative justice.”

Howard Zehr
Author, The Little Book of Restorative Justice, Changing Lenses



“Unlikely Friends” is an extraordinary film, charting unlikely friendships from those starting out at opposite ends of the criminal justice system. It is a powerful testimony to the power of repentance, showing regret and remorse as something that clearly rehabilitates the victim as well as the offender. The message is that face-to-face meetings (restorative justice) humanises crime and repairs broken relationships but also that close friendship, even love, can grow out of the tragedy of murder and extreme violence. Leslie Neale has found and filmed some astonishing stories charting how victims of crime are able to turn away from a lifetime of bitterness, hatred and arrested grief to trying to help, support, and offer friendship to the one person you’d expect them to despise – the person who killed or harmed their loved ones. Everyone should watch this film to understand more about how forgiveness transforms pain and how finding the gift in the wound mends broken hearts.”

Marina Catacuzino
Founder/Director – The Forgiveness Project



“Unlikely Friends” is like no other film on forgiveness, and I have viewed many, because of its in-depth portrayal of friendship between offending person and the person who is the victim. This film may shock people into how positively life-changing forgiveness can be after a life-changing event so negative that it could kill the human spirit.”

Robert Enright
Founding Member of International Forgiveness Institute and Author of, Exploring Forgiveness, Helping Clients Forgive, Forgiveness Is a Choice, The Forgiving Life



“The issue of forgiveness is incredibly important “behind the walls”. Inmates need to come to grips with what they have done, they need forgiveness from their victims, they need to forgive those who may have abused them. Forgiveness is such a key to inner freedom and healing for all involved.”

Merlyn Klaus
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry